Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Shadow


Credit To;
She follows me around
Each and every day,
even when I look away.
She is still the same as
me can’t you see
Much taller than I, as if
she can reach the sky.
I bend, she bends,
I stand tall, and she stands tall
Most of all she never leaves
me alone.
When I wake, she is there and
even when I walk upstairs.
My shadow
My friend
Walks with me, till the bitter end
When the end is near, I will not fear
For I am not alone at all
I look left and I look right
She is never far from my sight.
As the years go fleeting by
I will look back on this time
I will thank her for her guidance
My shadow
My friend
Good Night
By Rhonda G Waits 9/21/11
All Rights Reserved


  1. BoyNYellowTrous Roger Bauman®

    @RhondaWaits I was actually watching Reruns of Milan Fashion Week while reading "My Shadow" :) A very passionate piece Rhonda.

    Mar 26, 10:35 AM via Twittelator

  2. Hi Roger! Thank you and I am humbled.

  3. What an interesting take on your shadow, when one thinks of it. Our shadow has been around as long as we've been. Sticking to us and never talking back, watching us grow, stumble, fall and get right back up. I love my shadow and I love how you honored and gave tribute to yours here. Well done, very creative indeed. Hugs

    1. Hi Vincent. Thank you and yes our shadow has been around forever. Was feeling kinda lonely when this was wrote. It si now special to me and so are you.

      Sweet Wishes Rhonda.

  4. That is fantastic and was so enjoyable to read.

  5. Hi Maria Hardy thank you so much or your inspirational comment.

    Sweet wishes Rhonda.

  6. Hi Roger I just dropped by your blog. I will have a new poem up in the morning after Eric helps me edit it, by 11 AM central time.

    Sweet wishes Rhonda
